What are the Causes of Erectile Dysfunction?

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What are the Causes of impotence? Fixing erectile dysfunction completely

To begin, you need to know that Erectile Dysfunction (also known as impotence) is surprisingly common among adult males, especially those who are older. By definition, Erectile Dysfunction occurs when a male is unable to achieve or maintain an erection. This is something that actually happens in virtually all males at some time … so it’s fair to say that an occasional bout of Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence is normal.

The problem arises for men who experience this physical shortcoming frequently or on a regular or continuous basis. When that happens, treatment is usually necessary.

It’s important to know that all cases of Erectile Dysfunction are not the same. Some males suffer from Mild Erectile Dysfunction, a condition in which full, healthy and natural erections are occasionally possible. However, the unfortunate victim of this disheartening condition usually finds that his erections are not powerful enough to permit penetration of his partner.

The more troubling condition is, quite logically, called Severe Erectile Dysfunction. Men who suffer from this problem are virtually shut out – almost permanently – from intimate physical relationships – because they lack the ability, nearly 100% of the time, to achieve an erection.

It may seem obvious, but it nevertheless needs to be said that Erectile Dysfunction plagues older men with much greater frequency than it does younger men. In truth, nearly one-half of all adult males who have reached age 65 suffer from Erectile Dysfunction or impotence. The numbers range even higher when men live to age 80 and beyond – about 75% of men at this advanced age are impotent or chronic sufferers of Erectile Dysfunction.

Here are the Reasons why some Men Suffer from Erectile Dysfunction

In healthy males, an erection results when the penis receives an adequate inflow of blood and also allows for a slow outflow of blood. That is what happens in the bodies of most adult males. Some males are, of course, less fortunate. In fact:-

Physical problems or abnormalities can restrict and narrow arteries in a male’s body and result in a decreased inflow of blood making an erection almost impossible to achieve. The disorders that cause the reduced inflow of blood are generally caused by such physical problems as atherosclerosis … diabetes … blood clots … and more, often including surgery on the blood vessels. There is even a situation where abnormalities in the veins of the penis can actually drain blood from the penis back to other parts of the body … resulting in an unsustainable erection … or impotency.

Another possible problem leading up to Erectile Dysfunction can be neurological in nature. If the nerves leading directly to and away from the penis become damaged, for any reason, the result will be Erectile Dysfunction.

There are a number of ways that this kind of nerve damage can occur – from prostate surgery, spinal disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, peripheral nerve disorders, stroke, alcohol consumption and drugs.

A healthy and active lifestyle minimizes the risks noted above.

Here is something else you need to know: hormonal problems caused by lower-than-normal levels of testosterone can result in Erectile Dysfunction.

And if you’re a man suffering the effects of low energy caused by illness, fatigue and stress, you’ll find it difficult to enjoy a strong, sustained erection.

Many drugs, over-the-counter or prescribed, can inhibit your ability to create and enjoy an erection, especially if you’re older. What are these drugs? They can be anti-hypertension drugs, antidepressants, sedatives, lithium, anti-psychotics and many, many more.

Psychological issues, such as depression, guilt, fear of intimacy, ambivalence about sexual identity or orientation and performance anxiety can also be destructive and dramatically impair or inhibit your ability to achieve a full-blown erection. While such problems tend to occur more frequently in younger men, they can affect older males, as well. Stress, whether it’s caused by a change in sexual partners, for instance, or is work-related or attributable to problems at home can result in the condition every adult male dreads – Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence.

There can be no doubt that the problem exists … that it is common … and that it can be overcome.

Next – The Most Common and Popular Drugs, Treatments and Medications for ED

If you currently suffer from Erectile Dysfunction or Impotence – seek professional help. You have one life to live. Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy every day.


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